Countdown to New Adventures

Day 279: Monday, June 10, 2013

Port to Port: New York City

Underway: 0:00 am      Motor Off: 0:00 pm      Miles Traveled: 0      Stayed At: Mooring

Mile to Mile: We got off to a slow start on our last day in NYC with the kids. We were tired and the kids went down to Times Square last night to get a taste of NYC nightlife. They didn’t get home early. Cindy and I got to the apartment about 8:30 am and waited until the youngn’s were up, showered, fed and ready to go. I worked on the blog and other computer tasks. We headed out late morning to go downtown to wander around Greenwich Village. It was raining again. We’ve had more rain since we arrived in NYC than we had had in 9 months of travel.

We made the most of the day. We stopped for lunch at a random restaurant – we were pleasantly surprised. We were all pretty tired so we gradually headed back towards the apartment so everyone can get ready for their flights (and Cindy and I can rest a little). Jess left first – her flight was supposed to leave at 6:30 pm but she texted later that her flight was delayed 1.5 hours. Sarah and Jake left a little later and spent a little more time at Times Square before taking the train to Newark.

Cindy and I were exhausted. We said our goodbyes and finished cleaning up the apartment. It was rainy and windy outside. We decided to stay a little longer and watch a movie on Netflix (Garrett has fast internet). It was still raining out so we watched another movie and ate some leftovers for dinner. It was still raining out and kind of dark out so we watched another movie. Decadence! We just couldn’t bring ourselves to move any farther than the bathroom and couch. It’s warm, quiet, dry and not moving here. It is windy, wet and rocking at the boat. We decided to stay the night and try to catch up on our sleep (thanks again Garrett – we promise not to rent out your apartment while you are gone). Tomorrow we are going to wash clothes, organize the boat, charge all our gadgets, plot our course and get ready to head out whenever we have a favorable tide on Wednesday. We have loved our stay in NYC but are ready to move on to new adventures.

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